See HERA presentations to internal and external stakeholders.
HERA was presented at the 6th IEEE Hellenic Student and Young Professionals Congress, which took place virtually on 20-21/11/2021 see more
HERA was presented in the context of a focus group on serious games 10/11/2021 see more
HERA presentation in Technology in Education course of the Department of Electrical Computer Engineering University of Thessaly 3/11/2021 see more
HERA presentation in Erasmus+ days 16/10/2021 see more
HERA email communication to Porto Polytechnic Engineering and Management schools 1/2021 see more
HERA email communication to Porto Polytechnic on Portuguese multiplier even 1/9/2021 see more
HERA presented to CRITICAL project consortium 23/3/3020 see more
HERA presented to LOEL project consortium 23/1/2020 see more
HERA presented in Tallinn University seminar 27/1/2020 see more
HERA presented to 25 researchers at Aalborg University see more
HERA presented at the Technologies in Education 2019 course of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of UTH 4/11/2019 see more
HERA presented at the Technologies in Education 2020 course of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of UTH 26/10/2020 see more